Mmm what to say about this country! There are thousands of things to say, but mostly it’s unaccountable.
We can say in two words: INCREDIBLE INDIA. It’s a country which is unlike any other. It is made of contrasts and improbabilities and he’s so wonderful! A real pleasure for someone like me who loves capture content.
Early 2017, a woman called Claire Martignier contact me to after she saw my last movie Costa Rica. She wanted me to reproduce the same movie for India. She started her own business call India and You, with the aim of organizing customize trips in India.
So, in August, my friend Robin and I as well as a small team we were leaving Switzerland for Delhi.
From there, we met Sushil, the associate of Clair on the project and our guide during those 2 weeks. An amazing man who will become a friend.
The first area we went is Rishikesh in North-Est. The landscape is very mountainous, it looks like Switzerland but moister of course… We left Rishikesh to go direction Jaipur, Rajasthan. One of my favourite place was “Monkeys Temple” an old Hindu pilgrimage where you can see several monkeys playing in the compound of the temple.
On our way, we stopped to Agra to visit the unavoidable Taj Mahal. Even if the place is very touristic, I advise you to go absolutely. We went at the opening time to see the Taj at the sunrise, a very prestigious moment!
Now, we keep moving to the south to Kerala. After 2 days in Delhi, a long internal flight we discover a very different area – as if we had just changed country – Everything is greener, wet and colourful.
We stay there 5 days and went back to Dehli for our last days.
In India, you eat with our fingers. I was told that it made the food better. It was a real pleasure to eat like that. Most people are vegan, lots of vegetables, fruits but very little meat and a lot of lentils (Dal). The food is spicy, mainly cooked with the spice masala. Oh! I almost forgot the famous Chai! A hot tea made with milk that you can drink everywhere everytime.
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